恢恢有余怎么读 恢恢有余的意思

huī huī yǒu



拼音: huī huī yǒu yú

注音: ㄏㄨㄟ ㄏㄨㄟ 一ㄡˇ ㄩˊ

解释: 恢恢:形容宽广。指宽广而有余裕。

出处: 庄周《庄子 养生主》:“彼节者有间,而刀刃者无厚。以无厚入有间,恢恢乎其于游刃必有余地矣。”

例子: 清·戴名世《序》:“苟其得志也,持是而往,恢恢有余也。”

用法: 补充式;作补语、定语;指宽广而有余裕。

英语: have plenty of space(with great saving of space)

近义词: 绰绰有余

单字解释: [恢]的意思 [恢]的意思 [有]的意思 [余]的意思


Huihui: describe broad. When the thin blade is inserted between the joints, it still feels broad and has room for maneuver. It is often described as having great skills, high skills and effortless handling of problems.