心烦技痒怎么读 心烦技痒的意思

xīn fán yǎng



拼音: xīn fán jì yǎng

注音: ㄒ一ㄣ ㄈㄢˊ ㄐ一ˋ 一ㄤˇ

解释: 烦:烦燥;技痒:指某人想表现其技艺以显示于人。形容擅长及爱好某种技艺,一遇机会就急于表现的情态。

出处: 晋·潘岳《射雉赋》:“屏发布而累息,徒心烦而技痒。”

例子: 明·程登吉《幼学琼林》第三卷:“欲逞所长谓之心烦技痒;绝无情欲谓之槁木死灰。”

用法: 作谓语、状语;用于人。

英语: be itchy and restless(the desire to display that in which one excels)

反义词: 平心静气

单字解释: [心]的意思 [烦]的意思 [技]的意思 [痒]的意思


Annoyance: irritability; Skill itch: refers to someone who wants to show his skill to others. Describe the mood of being good at and loving a certain skill and eager to express it at the chance.