归正守丘怎么读 归正守丘的意思

guī zhèng shǒu qiū



拼音: guī zhèng shǒu qiū

注音: ㄍㄨㄟ ㄓㄥˋ ㄕㄡˇ ㄑ一ㄡ

解释: 传说狐狸将死时,头必朝向出生的山丘。比喻不忘本。也比喻暮年思念故乡。

出处: 《礼记·檀弓上》:“狐死正丘首,仁也。”

单字解释: [归]的意思 [正]的意思 [守]的意思 [丘]的意思


It is said that when the fox is about to die, his head will face the hill where he was born. Metaphor never forgets its origin. It is also a metaphor for missing hometown in old age.