弸中彪外怎么读 弸中彪外的意思

péng zhōng biāo wài



拼音: péng zhōng biāo wài

注音: ㄆㄥˊ ㄓㄨㄥ ㄅ一ㄠ ㄨㄞˋ

解释: 弸:充满;彪:文采。指人内有才德,则有文采,自然外露。赞美德才兼备的人。

出处: 汉·扬雄《法言·君子》:“或问:‘君子言则成文,动则成德,何以也?’曰:‘以其弸中而彪外也。’”

例子: 清·薛福成《序》:“予读百氏,弸中彪外,驰骋不可抑遏。”

用法: 作谓语、定语;指赞美德才兼备的人。

英语: smooth, beautiful appearance resulting from solid worth

单字解释: [弸]的意思 [中]的意思 [彪]的意思 [外]的意思


弸: full; Biao: literary talent. It means that if there is talent and virtue in a person, there is literary talent and natural exposure. Praise a man of both virtue and ability.