弄瓦之庆怎么读 弄瓦之庆的意思

nòng zhī qìng



拼音: nòng wǎ zhī qìng

注音: ㄋㄨㄥˋ ㄨㄚˇ ㄓ ㄑ一ㄥˋ

解释: 瓦:古代妇女纺织用的纺砖;弄瓦:古人把纺瓦给女孩玩,希望她将来能胜任女工。祝贺人家生女孩。

出处: 《诗经·小雅·斯干》:“乃生女子,载寝之地,载衣之裼,载弄之瓦。”

用法: 作宾语;祝贺人家生女孩。

英语: the pleasure of having a girl born

近义词: 弄瓦之喜

单字解释: [弄]的意思 [瓦]的意思 [之]的意思 [庆]的意思


Tile: spinning brick used by ancient women for textile; Making tiles: the ancients gave spinning tiles to girls in the hope that she would be competent as a female worker in the future. Congratulations on the birth of a girl.