年谊世好怎么读 年谊世好的意思

nián shì hào



拼音: nián yì shì hào

注音: ㄋ一ㄢˊ 一ˋ ㄕˋ ㄏㄠˋ

解释: 年谊:科举时代称同年登科的关系;世好:两家世代友好。科举时代两家因同年登科而为世交的人。

出处: 清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第三回:“你我年谊世好,就如至亲骨肉一般。”

用法: 作宾语;指科举世交。

单字解释: [年]的意思 [谊]的意思 [世]的意思 [好]的意思


Nian Yi: the relationship between being admitted to the imperial examination in the same year; Shihao: the two families have been friendly for generations. In the imperial examination era, two families became world friends because they joined the imperial examination in the same year.