带牛佩犊怎么读 带牛佩犊的意思

dài niú pèi



拼音: dài niú pèi dú

注音: ㄉㄞˋ ㄋ一ㄡˊ ㄆㄟˋ ㄉㄨˊ

解释: 原指汉宣帝时渤海太守龚遂诱使持刀剑起义的农民放弃武装斗争而从事耕种。后比喻改业归农。

出处: 《汉书·龚遂传》:“民有带持刀剑者,使卖剑买牛,卖刀买犊,曰:‘何为带牛佩犊。’”

用法: 作谓语、宾语;指重视农业。

单字解释: [带]的意思 [牛]的意思 [佩]的意思 [犊]的意思


It originally refers to that when Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, Gong, the governor of the Bohai Sea, lured the farmers with swords to give up the armed struggle and engage in farming. Later, it was compared to changing industry to agriculture.