巴人下里怎么读 巴人下里的意思

rén xià



拼音: bā rén xià lǐ

注音: ㄅㄚ ㄖㄣˊ ㄒ一ㄚˋ ㄌ一ˇ

解释: ①即下里巴人。古代楚国流行的民间歌曲。用以称流俗的音乐。巴,古国名,在今四川东部一带,古为楚地。下里,乡里。②泛指粗俗的。

出处: 南朝 梁简文帝《与湘东王书》:“故玉微金铣,反为拙目所嗤;《巴人下里》,更合郢中之听。”

例子: 张寅道:“晚生末学,‘巴人下里’之词只好涂饰闾里,怎敢陈于老太师山斗之下。”《平山冷燕》第十七回

用法: 作主语、宾语、定语;指通俗艺术。

英语: the popular literature or art


反义词: 阳春白雪

单字解释: [巴]的意思 [人]的意思 [下]的意思 [里]的意思


① That is, xiariba people. Popular folk songs of the ancient state of Chu. Music called vulgar. Ba, an ancient name, is located in the eastern part of today's Sichuan and was the land of Chu in ancient times. Down in the country. ② Generally referring to vulgar.