岛瘦郊寒怎么读 岛瘦郊寒的意思

dǎo shòu jiāo hán



拼音: dǎo shòu jiāo hán

注音: ㄉㄠˇ ㄕㄡˋ ㄐ一ㄠ ㄏㄢˊ

解释: 唐朝贾岛和孟郊的诗歌风格,多以清切凄苦为主。

出处: 宋 朱熹《次韵谢刘行惠笋》:“君诗高处古无师,岛瘦郊寒讵足差。”

例子: 清·荻岸山人《平山冷燕》第一回:“人人争岛瘦郊寒,个个矜白仙贺鬼。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;指诗歌文学风格。

近义词: 郊寒岛瘦

单字解释: [岛]的意思 [瘦]的意思 [郊]的意思 [寒]的意思


Island and Suburb: refer to the poets Jia Dao and Meng Jiao of the Tang Dynasty. The poems of Jia Dao and Meng Jiao are full of sad and euphemistic words, so they refer to their poetry and style. It also describes the style and meaning of poems similar to Jia Meng