岁寒三友怎么读 岁寒三友的意思

suì hán sān yǒu



拼音: suì hán sān yǒu

注音: ㄙㄨㄟˋ ㄏㄢˊ ㄙㄢ 一ㄡˇ

解释: 松、竹经冬不凋,梅花耐寒开放,因此有“岁寒三友”之称。

出处: 元·白朴《朝中措》:“苍松隐映竹交加,千树玉梨花,好个岁寒三友,更堪红白山茶。”

例子: 钱钟书《围城》:“这东西跟蚊子臭虫算得小饭店里的岁寒三友,现在刚是深秋天气,还显不出它们的后凋劲节。”

用法: 作主语、宾语、定语;指松、竹、梅。

英语: symbol of the lasting friendship,the tree durable plants of winter pine,bamboo and meihua

单字解释: [岁]的意思 [寒]的意思 [三]的意思 [友]的意思


Pine and bamboo do not wither in winter, and plum blossom is cold resistant and open. Therefore, it is known as "three friends in winter".