屦贱踊贵怎么读 屦贱踊贵的意思

jiàn yǒng guì



拼音: jù jiàn yǒng guì

注音: ㄐㄨˋ ㄐ一ㄢˋ ㄩㄥˇ ㄍㄨㄟˋ

解释: 原指被砍郐的人很多,致使鞋子价贱而踊价贵。后形容刑罚既重又滥。也比喻犯罪的人多。

出处: 先秦 左丘明《左传 昭公三年》:“国之诸市,屦贱踊贵,民人痛疾。”

例子: 汉·孔鲋《孔丛子·执节》:“晏子既陈屦贱而踊贵于君,其君为之省刑。”

用法: 联合式;作宾语;形容刑罚既重又滥。

单字解释: [屦]的意思 [贱]的意思 [踊]的意思 [贵]的意思


Originally, it means that many people have been cut down, resulting in cheap shoes and high prices. The latter describes the punishment as both heavy and indiscriminate. It also means that many people commit crimes.