尺幅千里怎么读 尺幅千里的意思

chǐ qiān



拼音: chǐ fú qiān lǐ

注音: ㄔˇ ㄈㄨˊ ㄑ一ㄢ ㄌ一ˇ

解释: 一尺长的画幅,画进了千里长的景象。比喻外形虽小,包含的内容很多。

出处: 《南史 昭胄传》:“幼好学,有文才,能书善画,于扇上图山水,咫尺之内,便觉万里为遥。”

例子: 清·何绍基《与汪菊士论诗》:“然未尝无短篇也,尺幅千里矣。”

用法: 紧缩式;作定语;比喻外形小内涵大。

英语: insignificant size with profound meaning as panorama of a thousand li in a one-chi scroll

近义词: 尺寸千里

单字解释: [尺]的意思 [幅]的意思 [千]的意思 [里]的意思


The one foot long picture has drawn a scene thousands of miles long. Although the figurative shape is small, it contains a lot of content.