拼音: shī jū yú qì
注音: ㄕ ㄐㄨ ㄩˊ ㄑ一ˋ
解释: 余气:最后一口气。象尸体一样但还有一口气,指人将要死亡。也比喻人暮气沉沉,无所作为。
出处: 《晋书 宣帝纪》:“司马公尸居余气,形神已离,不足虑矣。”
例子: 彼尸居余气,不足畏也。(唐 杜光宪《虬髯客传》)
用法: 主谓式;作谓语;含贬义。
英语: dying(with only a little breath still left in the body; more dead than alive)
反义词: 生机勃勃
Remaining breath: the last breath. Like a corpse, but with one breath, it means that a person is about to die. It also means that people are depressed and do nothing.典故