将门虎子怎么读 将门虎子的意思

jiàng mén



拼音: jiàng mén hǔ zǐ

注音: ㄐ一ㄤˋ ㄇㄣˊ ㄏㄨˇ ㄗˇ

解释: 将门:世代为将的人家。比喻父辈有才能,子孙也身手不凡。也指后生子弟不辱门庭。

出处: 三月夫《吴三贵·异象少年》:“将门虎子!这孩子面相极佳,将来说不定会是国之栋梁啊!”

例子: 他是将门虎子,肯定不会辜负我们的期望

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于称赞人。

英语: a capable young man from a distinguished family

单字解释: [将]的意思 [门]的意思 [虎]的意思 [子]的意思


General door: a family that has been a general for generations. It's a metaphor for the father's talent and the children's skill. It also means that younger children do not insult the family.