寻花问柳怎么读 寻花问柳的意思

xún huā wèn liǔ



拼音: xún huā wèn liǔ

注音: ㄒㄨㄣˊ ㄏㄨㄚ ㄨㄣˋ ㄌ一ㄡˇ

解释: 随意漫游;玩赏春景。也比喻男子引诱玩弄妇女;特指宿娼狎妓。寻:探访。

出处: 唐 杜甫《严中丞枉驾见过》诗:“元戎小队出郊炯,问柳寻花到野处。”

例子: 只等的红雨散,绿云收,我那其间寻花问柳,重到岳阳楼。(元 谷子敬《城南柳》楔子)

辨形: “寻”,不能写作“簷”。

用法: 联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义。

英语: run around(be on the racket)

法语: courir les filles


反义词: 正人君子

单字解释: [寻]的意思 [花]的意思 [问]的意思 [柳]的意思


Flower and willow: it used to refer to spring scenery. In the old time, it also referred to prostitutes. It originally refers to enjoying the scenery of spring. Post old novels are used to refer to prostitutes.