宁折不弯怎么读 宁折不弯的意思

nìng zhé wān



拼音: nìng zhé bù wān

注音: ㄋ一ㄥˋ ㄓㄜˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄨㄢ

解释: 本指白杨木受到外力作用,只会断折,不会弯曲变形。后用来比喻宁可死也绝不屈服妥协。

出处: 《齐民要术 卷五 种榆白杨》:“白杨性甚劲直,堪为屋材,折则折矣,终不曲挠。”

例子: 高阳《胡雪岩全传·平步青云》中册:“原来尤五在十几年前,是倔强到底、宁折不弯的脾气。”

用法: 作谓语、定语;指人有志气。

英语: choose death before disgrace(rather die than be humiliated)

近义词: 宁死不屈

反义词: 委曲求全

单字解释: [宁]的意思 [折]的意思 [不]的意思 [弯]的意思


This refers to poplar wood, which will only break and not bend and deform under the action of external force. It is later used as a metaphor for preferring to die rather than yield to compromise.