婢作夫人怎么读 婢作夫人的意思

zuò rén



拼音: bì zuò fū rén

注音: ㄅ一ˋ ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄈㄨ ㄖㄣˊ

解释: 婢:侍女;夫人:主妇。旧时指在文艺方面虽刻意模仿别人,但才力和作品的规模总赶不上。

出处: 南朝 梁 袁昂《古今书评》:“(羊欣)书如大家婢为夫人,虽处其位,而举止羞涩,终不似真。”

例子: 不过偶尔学着写,正是婢作夫人,那里及得到大哥什一。(清 吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四十一回)

用法: 主谓式;作谓语;形容刻意模仿而不象。

谜语: 娶丫鬟当老婆

英语: maid acting as mistress of the house--blindly copying others and making oneself look crude and unlearned

近义词: 婢学夫人

单字解释: [婢]的意思 [作]的意思 [夫]的意思 [人]的意思


Handmaid: maid; Madam: housewife. In the old days, it meant that although they deliberately imitated others in literature and art, their talent and the scale of their works could not catch up with each other.