夸多斗靡怎么读 夸多斗靡的意思

kuā duō dòu



拼音: kuā duō dòu mí

注音: ㄎㄨㄚ ㄉㄨㄛ ㄉㄡˋ ㄇ一ˊ

解释: 原指写文章以篇幅多、辞藻华丽夸耀争胜,后也指比赛生动豪华奢侈。

出处: 唐 韩愈《送陈秀才彤序》:“读书以为学,缵言以为文,非以夸多而斗靡也。”

例子: 宋以后,学者好夸多而斗靡。(清 袁枚《随园诗话》卷五)

用法: 联合式;作谓语、定语;指读书或写文章以数量多、辞藻华丽相。

英语: compete mutually in being luxurious and extravagant

单字解释: [夸]的意思 [多]的意思 [斗]的意思 [靡]的意思


Boast: boast; Fighting: competition; Luxury: luxury. Originally, it refers to writing articles with a lot of space and gorgeous words to boast and win. Later, it also refers to the vivid, luxurious and luxurious competition.