天涯咫尺怎么读 天涯咫尺的意思

tiān zhǐ chǐ



拼音: tiān yá zhǐ chǐ

注音: ㄊ一ㄢ 一ㄚˊ ㄓˇ ㄔˇ

解释: 咫:古代长度单位,周制八寸,合今市尺六寸二分二厘;咫尺:比喻距离很近。比喻距离虽近,但很难相见,象是远在天边一样。

出处: 《左传 僖公九年》:“天威不违颜咫尺。”唐 李中《宫词二首》:“门锁帘垂月影斜,翠华咫尺隔天涯。”

例子: 衷肠事,无由竭,似水滔滔,相流不绝,对面还愁,天涯咫尺。明 胡文焕《群音类选 访友记 又赛槐阴分别》

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于比喻句。

单字解释: [天]的意思 [涯]的意思 [咫]的意思 [尺]的意思


Close at hand: an ancient unit of length, eight inches in Zhou system, which is equivalent to six inches and two cents and two cents in today's market; Close at hand: it means close at hand. Although the distance is close, it is difficult to meet, as if it is far away.