天机云锦怎么读 天机云锦的意思

tiān yún jǐn



拼音: tiān jī yún jǐn

注音: ㄊ一ㄢ ㄐ一 ㄩㄣˊ ㄐ一ㄣˇ

解释: 天机:天上的织机。云锦:丝织物名,锦丝瑰丽如云彩。天上织出的丝锦。比喻诗文华美精妙,浑成自然。

出处: 宋·张炎《词源·杂论》:“采唐诗融化如自己者,乃其所长,以白石骚雅句法润色之,真天机云锦也。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;多用于比喻句。

英语: as beautiful and exquisite as the heavenly-woven brocade

单字解释: [天]的意思 [机]的意思 [云]的意思 [锦]的意思


Tianji: the loom in the sky. Cloud brocade: the name of silk fabric. The brocade is as beautiful as clouds. Silk brocade woven from the sky. The metaphor is that the poetry is gorgeous and exquisite, and becomes natural.