天末凉风怎么读 天末凉风的意思

tiān liáng fēng



拼音: tiān mò liáng fēng

注音: ㄊ一ㄢ ㄇㄛˋ ㄌ一ㄤˊ ㄈㄥ

解释: 天末:天的尽头;凉风:特指初秋的西南风。原指杜甫因秋风起而想到流放在天末的挚友李白。后常比喻触景生情,思念故人。

出处: 唐·杜甫《天末怀李白》诗:“凉风起天末,君子意如何?”

用法: 作宾语、定语;指思念故人。

单字解释: [天]的意思 [末]的意思 [凉]的意思 [风]的意思


The end of the day: the end of the day; Cool wind: especially the southwest wind in early autumn. Originally refers to Du Fu's thought of his best friend Li Bai exiled at the end of the day because of the autumn wind. Later, it is often compared to feeling at the sight and missing an old friend.