拼音: dà lù zhuī lún
注音: ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄨˋ ㄓㄨㄟ ㄌㄨㄣˊ
解释: 南朝梁萧统《〈文选〉序》:“若夫椎轮为大辂之始,大辂宁有椎轮之质。”大辂,古代华美的大车。椎轮,无辐条的原始车轮。谓大辂由椎轮逐步演变而成,比喻事物的进化,由简到繁,由粗至精。后人亦称始创者为大辂椎轮。
出处: 南朝·梁·萧统《〈文选〉序》:“若夫椎轮为大辂之始,大辂宁有椎轮之质。”
例子: 及国朝徐继畲、魏源氏译述《瀛环志略》、《海国图志》,乃始罗略东西洋欧美诸国,虽有疏阙,然大路椎轮之功,不可泯也。清·沈惟贤《〈万国演义〉序》
A big cart, a gorgeous cart in ancient times. Vertebral wheel, original wheel without spokes. It refers to the gradual evolution of the big wheel from the vertebral wheel. It refers to the evolution of things, from simple to complex, from coarse to fine. Later generations also call the originator the big wheel.