多藏厚亡怎么读 多藏厚亡的意思

duō cáng hòu wáng



拼音: duō cáng hòu wáng

注音: ㄉㄨㄛ ㄘㄤˊ ㄏㄡˋ ㄨㄤˊ

解释: 厚:大;亡:损失。指积聚很多财物而不能周济别人,引起众人的怨恨,最后会损失更大。

出处: 先秦 李耳《老子》:“是故甚爱必大费,多藏必厚亡。”

例子: 北齐·颜之推《颜氏家训·勉学》:“山巨源以蓄积取讥,背多藏厚亡之文也。”

用法: 联合式;作谓语;含贬义。

英语: Hoarding too much wealth often brings about big losses.

单字解释: [多]的意思 [藏]的意思 [厚]的意思 [亡]的意思


Thickness: large; Death: loss. It refers to the accumulation of a lot of property and can't give it to others, causing resentment among people, and eventually greater losses.