夔龙礼乐怎么读 夔龙礼乐的意思

kuí lóng yuè



拼音: kuí lóng lǐ yuè

注音: ㄎㄨㄟˊ ㄌㄨㄥˊ ㄌ一ˇ ㄩㄝˋ

解释: 夔龙:虞舜的两个大臣,夔为乐官,龙为谏官。指可以作为规范的礼乐制度。

出处: 明·无名氏《鸣凤记·邹林游学》:“夔龙礼乐承先范,班马文章勘墨铅。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;指古典礼乐制度。

单字解释: [夔]的意思 [龙]的意思 [礼]的意思 [乐]的意思


Kuilong: it is said that kuilong is the second minister of Yu and Shun, kuilong is the music official, and the dragon is the remonstrating official. It refers to the ritual and music system that can be used as a norm.