处高临深怎么读 处高临深的意思

chǔ gāo lín shēn



拼音: chǔ gāo lín shēn

注音: ㄔㄨˇ ㄍㄠ ㄌ一ㄣˊ ㄕㄣ

解释: 处高:处在显贵重要地位。临深:如临深渊。处在显贵之位,好比面临深渊。旧时指官职高了常有危险性。

出处: 汉·扬雄《酒箴》:“处高临深,动常近危。”

例子: 作为高官自然有处高临深之感

用法: 作谓语、定语;指面临危险。

单字解释: [处]的意思 [高]的意思 [临]的意思 [深]的意思


Chugao: in a prominent and important position. Deep: like facing an abyss. Being in a position of great importance is like facing an abyss. In the old days, it was often dangerous when the official position was high.