坐地分赃怎么读 坐地分赃的意思

zuò fēn zāng



拼音: zuò dì fēn zāng

注音: ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄉ一ˋ ㄈㄣ ㄗㄤ

解释: 赃:赃物。就地瓜分赃物。头目坐地分取赃物。

出处: 《品花宝鉴》第23回:“他便坐地分赃,是要陋规的。”

例子: 附近一带防军,望风生惧,没人敢与接仗,甚且与他勾通,转好坐地分赃。(蔡东藩、许厪父《民国通俗演义》第二十五回)

用法: 偏正式;作谓语;含贬义。

英语: take a share of the spoils without participating personally in the robbery

俄语: делить нагрáбленное добро


单字解释: [坐]的意思 [地]的意思 [分]的意思 [赃]的意思


It used to mean that thieves divided the stolen goods with sweet potatoes. Now it mostly refers to the bandit leader sitting at home and taking the stolen property from his accomplices without doing it himself.