器满将覆怎么读 器满将覆的意思

mǎn jiāng



拼音: qì mǎn jiāng fù

注音: ㄑ一ˋ ㄇㄢˇ ㄐ一ㄤ ㄈㄨˋ

解释: 见“器满则覆”。

出处: 明·沈德符《野获编·兵部·仇鸾谈兵之舛》:“不敢具宾主,若兵备则竟隅侍,鸾晏然受之。人谓其器满将覆矣。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于书面语。

近义词: 器满则覆

单字解释: [器]的意思 [满]的意思 [将]的意思 [覆]的意思


It is a metaphor that when things develop beyond a certain limit, they will transform to the opposite. It also means that complacency will lead to failure. The same as "when the instrument is full, it will be covered".