啮檗吞针怎么读 啮檗吞针的意思

niè tūn zhēn



拼音: niè bò tūn zhēn

注音: ㄋ一ㄝˋ ㄅㄛˋ ㄊㄨㄣ ㄓㄣ

解释: 檗:俗称黄柏,味苦。啮檗:食用黄檗,比喻食物之味如黄檗之苦。吞针:将针吞下,比喻食物极难入口。形容食物难以下咽。

出处: 唐 康骈《李使君》:“及至冰餐,俱置一匙于口,各相眄良久,咸若啮檗吞针 。”

单字解释: [啮]的意思 [檗]的意思 [吞]的意思 [针]的意思


Berberis: commonly known as Phellodendron amurense, it tastes bitter. Biting Berberis: eating Berberis means that the taste of food is as bitter as Berberis. Swallowing needle: swallowing the needle means that food is very difficult to eat. Describe food that is difficult to swallow.