唐临晋帖怎么读 唐临晋帖的意思

táng lín jìn tiē



拼音: táng lín jìn tiē

注音: ㄊㄤˊ ㄌ一ㄣˊ ㄐ一ㄣˋ ㄊ一ㄝ

解释: 临:摹仿字画;帖:书法、绘画的范本。唐人书法多临摹晋人范本,脱胎变化而成。比喻善临摹,少独创。

出处: 明 陶宗仪《辍耕录 论诗》:“德机诗如何?曰:‘德机诗如唐临晋帖。’”

用法: 作宾语、定语;多用于比喻句。

单字解释: [唐]的意思 [临]的意思 [晋]的意思 [帖]的意思


Pro: imitating calligraphy and painting; Note: a model of calligraphy and painting. Most of the calligraphy of the Tang Dynasty copied the model of the Jin people and was born and changed. Metaphor is good at copying and less original.