和光同尘怎么读 和光同尘的意思

guāng tóng chén



拼音: hé guāng tóng chén

注音: ㄏㄜˊ ㄍㄨㄤ ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄔㄣˊ

解释: 和;同:一起;混同;光:荣耀;尘:尘俗。指把光荣与尘浊同样看待。

出处: 先秦 李耳《老子》:“和其光,同其尘。”

例子: 休要欺三瞒四,我赵某不是与你和光同尘的。(明 冯梦龙《警世通言》卷二十一)

正音: “和”,不能读作“hè”、“huó”。

辨形: “和”,不能写作“合”。

用法: 联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义。

英语: drift with the current(swim down the stream)


反义词: 锋芒毕露

单字解释: [和]的意思 [光]的意思 [同]的意思 [尘]的意思


And, same: mixed. And light: mix all kinds of brilliance; Same dust: the same as the common customs. It refers to a negative attitude towards life that does not show its edge and does not compete with the world. It is also a metaphor for collusion.