命蹇时乖怎么读 命蹇时乖的意思

mìng jiǎn shí guāi



拼音: mìng jiǎn shí guāi

注音: ㄇ一ㄥˋ ㄐ一ㄢˇ ㄕˊ ㄍㄨㄞ

解释: 命运不济,遭遇坎坷。

出处: 明 沈采《千金记 遇仙》:“只恐命蹇时乖,且自存心守己。”

例子: 不想我今日被高俅那贼陷害,流落到此,天地也不容我,直如此命蹇时乖。明·施耐庵《水浒传》第十一回

用法: 作宾语;指命运不济。

英语: be born under an evil star(No butter will stick to his bread.)

近义词: 时运不济

反义词: 一帆风顺 平步青云

单字解释: [命]的意思 [蹇]的意思 [时]的意思 [乖]的意思


Jian: one foot is neglected, and the extension is not smooth; Good: it's not going well. It refers to bad fate and bumps. This is the view of idealist fatalism.