告朔饩羊怎么读 告朔饩羊的意思

shuò yáng



拼音: gù shuò xì yáng

注音: ㄍㄨˋ ㄕㄨㄛˋ ㄒ一ˋ 一ㄤˊ

解释: 原指鲁国自文公起不亲到祖庙告祭,只杀一只羊应付一下。后比喻照例应付,敷衍了事。

出处: 《论语·八佾》:“子贡欲去告朔之忾羊。”

例子: 不过外蒙古一部分,已不啻告朔饩羊,名存实亡了。(蔡东藩、许廑父《民国通俗演义》第三十八回)

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于处事。

英语: do something for form's sake only

近义词: 形同虚设

单字解释: [告]的意思 [朔]的意思 [饩]的意思 [羊]的意思


It originally meant that the state of Lu did not personally go to the ancestral temple to sue for sacrifice since Duke Wen, but only killed a sheep to cope with it. The latter metaphor is to deal with things as usual and perfunctory.