告往知来怎么读 告往知来的意思

gào wǎng zhī lái



拼音: gào wǎng zhī lái

注音: ㄍㄠˋ ㄨㄤˇ ㄓ ㄌㄞˊ

解释: 告诉了这一点,就可以知道另一点。比喻能明了事物的因果同异的关系,据此知彼。

出处: 《论语·学而》:“赐也,始可与言《诗》已矣,告诸往而知来者。”

例子: 与赐、商言诗,切磋绘事,告往知来。(清 魏源《诗比兴笺序》)

用法: 作谓语、定语;指据此知彼。

英语: Being told one point,one knows its proper consequence.

单字解释: [告]的意思 [往]的意思 [知]的意思 [来]的意思


If you tell this, you can know another point. Metaphor can understand the cause and effect of things, the same and different relationship, and know the other accordingly.