吴带当风怎么读 吴带当风的意思

dài dāng fēng



拼音: wú dài dāng fēng

注音: ㄨˊ ㄉㄞˋ ㄉㄤ ㄈㄥ

解释: 唐画家吴道子善画佛像,笔势圆转,所画衣带如被风吹拂。后人因以“吴带当风”称美其高超画技与飘逸的风格。

出处: 宋·郭若虚《图画见闻志·论曹吴体法》:“吴带当风,曹衣出水。”

例子: 苏曼殊《断鸿零雁记》第15章:“风采盎然,碧罗为衣,颇得‘吴带当风’之致。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于书面语。

单字解释: [吴]的意思 [带]的意思 [当]的意思 [风]的意思


Wu Daozi, a painter of the Tang Dynasty, is good at painting Buddha statues. His strokes are round, and his clothes are like being blown by the wind. Later generations praised it for its superb painting skills and elegant style.