吴头楚尾怎么读 吴头楚尾的意思

tóu chǔ wěi



拼音: wú tóu chǔ wěi

注音: ㄨˊ ㄊㄡˊ ㄔㄨˇ ㄨㄟˇ

解释: 今江西北部,春秋时是吴、楚两国交界的地方,它处于吴地长江的上游,楚地长江的下游,好象首尾互相衔接。

出处: 宋·王象之《舆地纪胜》:“《职方乘序》:‘吴头楚尾。’”

例子: 吴头楚尾路如何?(清 王士慎《江上》诗)

用法: 作宾语;指江西一带。


英语: on the borders between the two kingdoms Wu and Chu

近义词: 楚尾吴头

单字解释: [吴]的意思 [头]的意思 [楚]的意思 [尾]的意思


In the northwest of Jinjiang River, in the spring and Autumn period, it was the junction of Wu and Chu. It was located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in Wu and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in Chu. It seemed that the head and tail were connected with each other.