拼音: jūn zǐ xié dìng
注音: ㄐㄨㄣ ㄗˇ ㄒ一ㄝˊ ㄉ一ㄥˋ
解释: 双方不经过书面签字,只以口头承诺或交换函件而订立的协定,它与书面条约具有同等的效力。本用于国际事务间,后亦用为事先约定的套语。又称作“绅士协定”。
出处: 毛泽东《反对党内的资产阶级思想》:“他事先征求了资产阶级的意见,和资产阶级订了君子协定,却没有向中央报告。”
例子: 王朔《顽主》:“我们不是有君子协定在先,任人唯贤,因材施教。”
用法: 作主语、宾语、定语;用于处事。
英语: parol contract(gentleman’s agreement)
日语: 紳士協定(しんしきょうてい)
An agreement concluded by both parties without written signature and only by oral commitment or exchange of letters has the same effect as a written treaty. This is used in international affairs, and later it is also used as a set phrase agreed in advance. Also known as the gentleman's agreement.