拼音: fā yáng chuō lì
注音: ㄈㄚ 一ㄤˊ ㄔㄨㄛ ㄌ一ˋ
解释: 原指周初《武》乐的舞蹈动作。手足发扬,蹈地而猛烈,象征太公望辅助武王伐纣时勇往直前的意志。后比喻精神奋发,意气昂扬。
出处: 西汉 戴圣《礼记 乐记》:“发扬蹈厉,大(太)公之志也。”
例子: 倘或换一个发扬踔厉的的局面,人心一变,鼓舞向上,那时候大申天讨,倒要让大家看看,到底谁行谁不行.(高阳《清宫外史》下册)
用法: 联合式;作谓语;比喻精神奋发,意气昂扬。
英语: vigorous and full of spirit(energetic)
It originally refers to the dance movements of Wu music in the early Zhou Dynasty. Carrying forward the brotherhood and dancing fiercely, it symbolizes the will of Taigong to help King Wu to move forward bravely when he attacked Zhou. After the metaphor, the spirit is vigorous and high spirited.