参辰卯酉怎么读 参辰卯酉的意思

shēn chén mǎo yǒu



拼音: shēn chén mǎo yǒu

注音: ㄕㄣ ㄔㄣˊ ㄇㄠˇ 一ㄡˇ

解释: ①参、辰,二星名。参星酉时出于西方,辰星卯时出于东方。参与辰,卯与酉相对立,故用以比喻互不相关或势不两立。②犹是非曲直。

出处: 元 关汉卿《陈母教子》第二折:“我觑着那珠翠金银,我可便浑如似参辰卯酉。”

例子: 握金章,悬紫绶,一例唯唯否否,全不管参辰卯酉,只盼到腰缠万贯上扬州。清·惜秋旅生《维新梦·感愤》

用法: 作宾语、定语;指对立。


单字解释: [参]的意思 [辰]的意思 [卯]的意思 [酉]的意思


① Shen, Chen, two star names. Shenxing originates from the west at the time of Youxing and Chenxing originates from the east at the time of Mao. Participation in Chen, Mao and unitary are opposite, so it is used as a metaphor for irrelevance or irreconcilability. ② Right and wrong.