拼音: jí lù wú yú
注音: ㄐ一ˊ ㄌㄨˋ ㄨˊ ㄩˊ
解释: 原意是进山打鹿,没有熟悉地形和鹿性的虞官帮助,那是白费气力。后比喻做事如条件不成熟就草率行事,必定劳而无功。
出处: 《周易 屯》:“即鹿无虞,惟入于林中;君子几,不如舍,往吝。”
例子: 宋·苏轼《上神宗皇帝书》:“今欲凿空寻访水利,所谓即鹿无虞,岂惟徒劳,必大烦忧。”
用法: 补充式;作宾语;比喻盲目从事,徒劳无功。
英语: act without due consideration and end up in failure
The original intention is to fight deer in the mountains without the help of Yu officials who are familiar with the terrain and deer nature. It's a waste of effort. The latter metaphor is that if you act hastily when the conditions are not ripe, you must work in vain.