割股之心怎么读 割股之心的意思

zhī xīn



拼音: gē gǔ zhī xīn

注音: ㄍㄜ ㄍㄨˇ ㄓ ㄒ一ㄣ

解释: 割股:割下自己的大腿肉。为了治好病人,不惜牺牲自己的精神。原是封建阶级所宣扬的一种愚孝行为。后泛指医家全心全意为病人诊治。

出处: 清 吴敬梓《儒林外史》第二十四回:“医家有割股之心。”

单字解释: [割]的意思 [股]的意思 [之]的意思 [心]的意思


Cut the thigh: cut off your own thigh meat. In order to cure the patient, do not hesitate to sacrifice their own spirit. It was originally a foolish and filial behavior advocated by the feudal class. Later, it generally refers to doctors who treat patients wholeheartedly.