刚中柔外怎么读 刚中柔外的意思

gāng zhōng róu wài



拼音: gāng zhōng róu wài

注音: ㄍㄤ ㄓㄨㄥ ㄖㄡˊ ㄨㄞˋ

解释: 刚:刚硬,坚强;中:里,内心;柔:软弱,柔和。表面柔顺,内里刚强。指人外柔而内刚的性格。也指外表和好,内藏杀机的策略。

出处: 《三十六计·笑里藏刀》:“信而安之,阴以图之,备而后动,勿使有变,刚中柔外也。”

用法: 作定语、状语;指人的个性。

英语: an iron fist in a velvet glove

近义词: 内柔外刚

单字解释: [刚]的意思 [中]的意思 [柔]的意思 [外]的意思


Rigid: rigid and strong; Middle: inner; Soft: weak, soft. The surface is soft and the inside is strong. It refers to a person's character of being soft outside and firm inside. It also refers to the strategy of making peace in appearance and killing opportunities inside.