凿龟数策怎么读 凿龟数策的意思

záo guī shǔ



拼音: záo guī shǔ cè

注音: ㄗㄠˊ ㄍㄨㄟ ㄕㄨˇ ㄘㄜˋ

解释: 凿龟:钻灼龟甲,看灼开的裂纹推测吉凶;数策:数蓍草的茎,从分组计数中判断吉凶。指古人用龟甲蓍草来卜筮吉凶。

出处: 《韩非子·饰邪》:“赵又尝凿龟数策而北伐燕,将劫燕以逆秦,兆曰大吉。”

用法: 作谓语、宾语、定语;指占卜。

单字解释: [凿]的意思 [龟]的意思 [数]的意思 [策]的意思


Chiseling tortoise: drill and burn the tortoise shell, look at the burning crack, and speculate good or bad luck; Counting strategy: count the stems of Yarrow and judge good or bad luck from group counting. It refers to that the ancients used tortoise shell yarrow to divine good or bad luck.