凤泊鸾漂怎么读 凤泊鸾漂的意思

fèng luán piāo



拼音: fèng bó luán piāo

注音: ㄈㄥˋ ㄅㄛˊ ㄌㄨㄢˊ ㄆ一ㄠ

解释: 飘、泊:随流飘荡。原形容书法笔势潇洒飘逸,后比喻夫妻离散或文人失意。

出处: 唐 韩愈《峋嵝山》诗:“科斗拳身薤倒披,鸾飘凤泊拏虎螭。”

例子: 神清骨冷何由俗,凤泊鸾漂信可哀。(清 黄景仁《失题》)

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于飘浮不定的人。

英语: A couple is separated from one another.

近义词: 凤泊鸾飘

单字解释: [凤]的意思 [泊]的意思 [鸾]的意思 [漂]的意思


Floating and berthing: floating with the current. The original description of calligraphy was natural and elegant, and later it was used to describe the separation of husband and wife or the frustration of literati.