公车上书怎么读 公车上书的意思

gōng chē shàng shū



拼音: gōng chē shàng shū

注音: ㄍㄨㄥ ㄔㄜ ㄕㄤˋ ㄕㄨ

解释: 公车:汉代官署名。指举人进京应试。特指入京会试的士人上书言事。

出处: 西汉·司马迁《史记·东方朔传》:“朔初入长安,至公车上书,凡用三干奏牍。”

例子: 吴玉章《从甲午战争前后到辛亥革命前后的回忆》:“康有为即曾联络其中的一千余人,举行了著名的‘公车上书’,要求拒合,迁都,变法图强。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于政事。

单字解释: [公]的意思 [车]的意思 [上]的意思 [书]的意思


Bus: the official name of the Han Dynasty. Later, it also refers to bringing people to Beijing to take the exam. It originally refers to petitions or written statements in Beijing, but also refers to written statements by people who enter the Beijing joint examination.