八音遏密怎么读 八音遏密的意思

yīn è



拼音: bā yīn è mì

注音: ㄅㄚ 一ㄣ ㄜˋ ㄇ一ˋ

解释: 八音:古代对乐器的统称;遏:阻止;遏密:指皇帝死后停止演奏音乐。各种乐器停止演奏。指国家元首去世。

出处: 《尚书 舜曲》:“百姓如丧考妣。三载,四海遏密八音。”

例子: 奉梓南归四载迟,八音遏密寄哀思。柳亚子《中山先生奉安大典志哀》

用法: 作主语、谓语;指国家元首去世。

近义词: 遏密八音

单字解释: [八]的意思 [音]的意思 [遏]的意思 [密]的意思


Curb: prevent; Secret: silence. All kinds of musical instruments stopped playing and the music was silent. It used to refer to the emperor stopping to mourn after his death. Later, it is also used to describe the death of the head of state.