八音迭奏怎么读 八音迭奏的意思

yīn dié zòu



拼音: bā yīn dié zòu

注音: ㄅㄚ 一ㄣ ㄉ一ㄝˊ ㄗㄡˋ

解释: 八音:古代对乐器的统称;迭:交互,轮流。八类乐器轮番演奏。表示器乐齐全,演奏场面盛大。

出处: 《晋书 乐志下》:“八音迭奏,雅乐并作。”

例子: 清·许奉恩《里乘》第二卷:“江妃肃客升堂,肆筵设席,八音迭奏,主客尽欢。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;形容器乐齐全,演奏场面盛大。

单字解释: [八]的意思 [音]的意思 [迭]的意思 [奏]的意思


Bayin: a general term for musical instruments in ancient times; Iteration: interaction, rotation. Eight kinds of musical instruments are played in turns. It means that the instrumental music is complete and the performance scene is grand.