拼音: rù shì cāo gē
注音: ㄖㄨˋ ㄕˋ ㄘㄠ ㄍㄜ
解释: 操:拿;戈:古代象矛的武器。到他的屋里去,拿起他的武器攻击他。比喻引用对方的论点反驳对方。
出处: 南朝 宋 范晔《后汉书 郑玄传》:“康成入吾室,操吾戈以伐我乎!”
例子: 他口若悬河,入室操戈,一下就把对方驳得哑口无言。
用法: 偏正式;作谓语;比喻引用对方的论点反驳他。
英语: enter the house and take up the arms
Fuck: take it; Ge: an ancient weapon like a spear. Go to his house and take his weapon against him. The metaphor refers to the argument of the other party and refutes the other party.典故