拼音: dào xǐ xiāng yíng
注音: ㄉㄠˋ ㄒ一ˇ ㄒ一ㄤ 一ㄥˊ
解释: 屣:鞋。古人家居脱鞋席地而坐,争于迎客,将鞋穿倒。形容热情欢迎宾客。
出处: 晋 陈寿《三国志 魏志 王粲传》:“贵重朝廷,常车骑填巷,宾客盈坐。闻粲在门,倒屣迎之。”
用法: 偏正式;作谓语;形容热情欢迎宾客。
英语: welcome somebody with the greatest deference
反义词: 闭门不纳
Shoes: shoes. The ancients took off their shoes at home and sat on the ground, competing to welcome guests and put on their shoes upside down. Describe a warm welcome to guests.典故