侯门似海怎么读 侯门似海的意思

hóu mén hǎi



拼音: hóu mén sì hǎi

注音: ㄏㄡˊ ㄇㄣˊ ㄙˋ ㄏㄞˇ

解释: 王公贵族的门庭像大海那样深遂。旧时豪门贵族、官府的门禁森严,一般人不能轻易进入。也比喻旧时相识的人,后因地位悬殊而疏远。

出处: 唐·崔郊《赠去婢》:“公子王孙逐后尘,绿珠垂泪滴罗中;侯门一入深如海,从此萧郎是路人。”

例子: 李国文《冬天里的春天》第二章:“别看他侯门似海,我不羡慕。”

用法: 作宾语;指显贵之家门禁森严。

英语: (of a rich man's home) be inaccessible to the common people

近义词: 侯门如海

单字解释: [侯]的意思 [门]的意思 [似]的意思 [海]的意思


The courtyards of princes and nobles are as deep as the sea. In the old days, the doors of rich families, nobles and officials were strictly guarded, and ordinary people could not enter easily. It is also a metaphor for people who knew each other in the past and were alienated due to the great disparity of status.

