人浮于食怎么读 人浮于食的意思

rén shí



拼音: rén fú yú shí

注音: ㄖㄣˊ ㄈㄨˊ ㄩˊ ㄕˊ

解释: 浮:超过,多余。食:指俸禄。原指人的才能超过所得的俸禄。后比喻人员太多超过了工作的需要。亦作“人浮于事”。

出处: 西汉·戴圣《礼记·坊记》:“故君子与其使食浮于人也,宁使人浮于食。”

用法: 作谓语、定语、宾语;指人多事少。

英语: have more hands than needed(more men than work)

近义词: 人浮于事

反义词: 人尽其才

单字解释: [人]的意思 [浮]的意思 [于]的意思 [食]的意思


Float: more than, superfluous. Food: refers to salary. Originally, it means that a person's talent exceeds his salary. After the metaphor, there are too many staff, which exceeds the needs of the work. Also known as "overstaffing".